Body Scanning Technology
These chairs will perform a body scan to map key areas of the neck and back to ensure the optimal amount of pressure is applied during the massage. The Scanning technology will detect your shoulders height, which can be re-calibrated once the scan is complete.
Smart Massage
Smart Massage Technology that enables Bluetooth functionality, scans your body to provide the optimal massage points, intelligent massage rollers that adjust to your body and simulate hand massages. The massage simulates 6 types of different massages such as press, push, roll, knock, pinch, and kneading massages.
The SL-Track 4 Roller Massage System refers to the shape of the roller trail designed to support your neck, back and buttocks. This track puts you in a position that decompresses each part of your spine, increasing the effects of the massage.
Air Bags
There are multiple airbags located throughout the massage chair to offer a full body massage experience, helping increase blood circulation to realize full relaxation.
Voice Control
The Massage can be activated through Voice commands as well as through the connected remote.
These Chairs provide heating, adding to the comfort as heating the body’s temperature is known to increase blood circulation and loosen tense muscles.
Calf Massage
The Calf kneading motion will increase the blood flow of your legs through a Thai style massage, helping promote a deeper level of relaxation.
Build Quality
The Details found within this chair are of the highest quality! It is built with exquisite leather material that is easy to clean as it is removable and washable. The headrest cushion is also adjustable and can be removed to heighten the massage intensity. It also comes with a simple and clean leather pocket to store the LCD Panel Remote when it is not in use!
Rated Power
Chair Flat Size
L1750xW780xH1090 mm
Chair Staning Size
L1460xW780xH1300 mm
Whole body soft air pressure massage
38 sets of airbags
3D Robots Hands Rollers and SL Track
5-year hydrolysis resistance PU Leather
Ultra long SL shaped curved steel guide rail (135cm)
Zero-gravity massage experience
Intelligent scanning system program
4G Communication Module
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